Wolf Silver Teak 5/4x6x20




Local building codes and principles should always be adhered to when installing Wolf Serenity Decking. All installations are unique and the sole responsibility of the installer to determine specific requirements for each application. Wolf claims no liability or responsibility for the improper installation of this product. Wolf recommends that all designs be reviewed by a licensed engineer, architect, and/or local building inspector before installation.


  • Store on a flat level surface.
  • Keep factory applied covering on products until installed to protect against dirt and debris.
  • Cover decking with a light colored tarp before installing to minimize expansion and contraction.
  • If possible, keep product stored in a shaded area.TOOLS
  • Wolf Serenity Decking installation is comparable to wood or composite decking and the tools for installation are similar.
  • Do not nail Wolf Serenity Deck boards.
  • Battery operated (or Corded) drill/screwdriver is recommended.
  • Self-feeding screw guns can also be used.
  • Saw capable of miter cuts with a fine-toothed carbide tipped finish trim blade is recommended: 7 1⁄4” 50 tooth minimum; 10” 70 tooth minimum; 12” 84 tooth minimum.
  • Remember to wear safety glasses/goggles at all times.BEFORE YOU START – IMPORTANT PREPARATION
  • Wolf Serenity Decking boards are not meant to be used for structural applications, supports or beams.
  • Wolf Serenity Decking boards should never be used for a support or a structural component of railing systems.
  • Deck should be designed with enough clearance underneath to allow for proper air circulation.
  • If you are using an existing support structure, check that alljoists are level, structurally sound, with no nails or screwsprotruding.
  • Maximum cantilevering distance is 1”.
  • Use two screws for every joist.
  • Correct joist spacing is required for proper installation.
    • –  For best results, space 12” O.C. to minimize deflection.
    • –  Do NOT exceed 16” center to center spacing wheninstalling planks perpendicular to joists.
    • –  Do NOT exceed 12” center to center spacing for any andall commercial applications.
    • –  Do NOT exceed 12” center to center spacing wheninstalling planks diagonal to joists, such as a herringbonepattern.
    • –  Whenever Wolf Serenity Deck boards are installed end-to-end, a double joist is required to fasten deck boards tojoists.
    • Be sure all joists are level and crowned correctly. Wolf Serenity Deck will conform to the contour of the substructure.


Wolf Serenity Decking, when installed with two screws per joist, will have minimal expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. Slight gaps may be noticed at the ends of boards or in spliced joints.
Approximate expansion and contraction for unattached deck boards based on 50° F temperature change:
12’= 3/16” / 16’= 1⁄4” / 20’= 5/16”

Provide proper ventilation to minimize expansion and contraction.

  • Fasten boards as soon after cutting as possible.
  • For all installations, boards must be fastened with two screws no more than 1/2” from the ends.
  • If using HIDfast or CAMO® hidden fastening systems, ensure that boards are fastened with two screws, no more 1/2” from the ends.These two screws must be fastened through the face of the deck board and into the joists – i.e. Color-Matched Face Screws or Cortex.
  • Install boards together tightly at spliced joints and miters
  • Always leave a 1⁄4” gap between decking and any structure (wall or post).
  • Fasten ends of deck boards, splices and abutments to building or securely to framing using two screwspositioned within 1/2” of each board end or joint.
  • Stagger miters or splices so they do not all break on the same joist.Wolf Serenity Deck fascia board must be fastened using 2-1/2” CAMO® Stainless Steel screws at 12” on center. Screws should be installed 1-1/2” from the top and bottom edges, along with a screw in the center. Use a bead of construction adhesive between 12” O.C.RECOMMENDED FASTENERSWolf Serenity Decking is designed for durability and correct fasteners must be used to ensure the quality of the installation. High quality fasteners that meet the following requirements are recommended:
  • Stainless Steel.
  • #10 Screw Size Minimum.
  • 2 1⁄4” Length Minimum.
  • Coastal applications near salt water require a 316 Stainless Steel screw or better.
  • Cortex®, CAMO® Stainless Steel and HIDfastTM hidden fastening systems work well with Wolf Serenity Deck.
  • For CAMO®, HIDfastTM and other side mount installations, use Cortex face screws or other positive fastening systemwithin 1/2” of the end of each board. For any other fastener systems contact Wolf customer service or the fastener manufacturer for compatibility.NOTE
  • When installing Wolf Serenity Decking with hidden fasteners, always use a sacrificial board against the side of the deck board. Never strike Wolf Serenity Deck board directly with hammer or rubber mallet.
  • On rooftop decks and on-grade applications, every consideration should be given to providing maximized ventilation. Soffit vents and venting holes through sleepers are recommended. If using sleepers, ensure the decking is a minimum of 3-1/2” from grade or roof surface.
  • Dock and pier installations may have special fastening specifications as required by building codes. Check with local authorities prior to installation.
    • For best results, pre-drill holes when installing decking at 40°F or below.
    • Cutting a continuous groove in the side of the board will void the warranty and is not recommended.


    • Construct stairs per local building code requirements.
    • Proper support beneath the deck boards is required.
    • Install Wolf Serenity Deck boards on stringers setno more than 11” O.C. For longer spans, additionalwood supports are necessary. See drawing.
    • Fasten boards using two screws per stringer per board.
    • Over hang should not exceed 1/2”.
    • Some local codes may require specific framing or structural requirements. Check with your local code authoritiespertaining to specific stair requirements.CARE & MAINTENANCEWolf Serenity Decking, while very durable, must be maintained. The following recommendations will help keep the product looking its best. For all cleaners, please test on an a small sample or an inconspicuous area prior to using to ensure compatibility.
      • Periodic washing of the product using normal household products to remove dirt and debris. Products like DeckMAX® Revitalizer should be avoided as they can etch the cap of Wolf Decking and void the warranty.
      • For rust removal, a household toilet bowl cleaner is recommended.
      • NEVER use rubber backed items such as: mats, tarps, etc. for any extended amounts of time as these items may causediscoloration of the decking surface.
      • Pool Covers left in place for extended periods of time may cause discoloration of the decking surface.
      • Some chemicals in sun-block, insect repellent and similar products can alter the surface of Wolf Serenity Decking.Check product labels and consult the manufacturer for compatibility with plastics before use.
      • Ice Removal: Products containing calcium chloride can be used without damage to the surface but may leave a whiteresidue.This can be cleaned using the principles outlined above.For snow removal only use a plastic shovel.
      • While all synthetic decking can be subject to static electricity, static on Wolf Serenity Decking to the point of getting ashock is rare. There is no chemical means to reduce static on a deck. As time passes, rain and dust will nullify any staticcharge you may encounter.
      • Exercise caution when using PVC glue or similar products as they may discolor and permanently damage the decksurface.NOTEAll decking surfaces absorb and retain heat from the sun. Greater heat retention may occur with darker colors, especially in areas of full exposure to the sun. This condition is due to the nature of the material in relation to environmental exposure, and is not covered by any express or implied warranty.WARNINGExcessive heat build up from reflecting sunlight, especially reflected by low-emissivity (Low-E) glass, can potentially damage Wolf Serenity Decking and other building materials, since these surface temperatures may far exceed exposure to normal sunlight. Possible damage by such concentrated heat may include warping, sagging, surface discoloration, unusual weathering and increased expansion or contraction. For additional questions or concerns contact Wolf customer service.Wolf deck boards are specially formulated to very closely resemble real wood decking.
        As a result, there will be slight differences in color and grain pattern from board-to-board. This adds to the uniqueness of Wolf Serenity Decking, and will in no way affect the performance of the product.